Wednesday 15 December 2010


The Encore Show

The encore show was aimed at people aged over 18 who have a liking for musicals. I think we chose to do this show live on Children in Need as it was different to all the other shows being broadcast on the day. Also from previous rehersal feedback it seend to be the most popular of our two shows.

I feel as though I helped quite a lot with the making of this show and making it a success in its content. I helped in everywhere possible that I could and if I couldn't I made sure I learnt it for future reference. For the main show I was in charge of operating the sound desk with James controling Myriad. This role was particually necessary as without a desk operator there is no show. I think I did a good job at this with only one mistake being audiable on the live show when I didn't fade Esmes mic up in time. After Phil mentioned it after we finished the show and after listening back to it for myself I think the biggest shortfall was playing some of the tracks back to back. It didnt suit the style of show and confused me as a listner as to why the song was being played. With this style of show the presenter needs to buld up to the song with information and trivia about it. when the songs were back anounced the information seemed very rushed.
I think the show particually appeals to the target audience of 18+ because they have the patinece to sit through 5-6 minute songs and listen to information about them as well and enjoy it at the same time. this was proven after we recieved feed back the the Ladies in the Zone were particually enjoying the show. Also the fact that the presenter had no soundbed underneith suggests maturitry thus increasing its appeal to the older audence. In content our show is very similar to Elain Paiges show on Sundays however her show is less formal with more talktime and less giving of information.
If I was a consumer for this show I would overal be impressed with the quality of the show, however I feel after a time i would get bored of the constant information and want it to be more like Elain Paiges show.

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