The Tea and Toast Show

The Tea and Toast Show


This is the logo for the tea and toast show. It was designed and created by Esme, Millie and Laura.

We are going to record this show onto Myriad and also broadcast it on Ustream so there is an online copy available.
Our prank call feature will be recorded onto a Zoom mp3 recorder and edited on Soundtrack Pro.
The duration of this show will be exactly one hour long. We will be able to do this, as we will rehearse the show before hand and time all the links. Also the scheduler on Myriad will allow us to keep track of the time.
Intended Audience
Our Tea and Toast show is targeting an audience of 16- 24 year olds. The presenting style and the features will therefore appeal to this age group. The show will be broadcasted around college and advertised on facebook and therefore will reach our target audience.
Our show is going to be presented by Sam, Adele and Amy. As the programme is music based the main content of the show will be the music. We have decided to play tracks that are modern and popular.
We have two features for our show. Know Your Lyrics is when one sentence of a song is said and then the contestants have to guess the next lyric. We choose to have the competitors making an animal noise when they want to make a guess, as this will add another humorous element to the game. We decided to get Millie to present this feature as then it’s different voice for the listeners and allows all three presenters to play along and therefore create more of a competition. We chose this feature as it allows the audience to play along. This feature is going to be live, as this will create a better competitive mood.
Our other feature is a prank call one. Adele or Sam are given 5 words that they have to fit into a phone conversation. This feature will be pre-recorded so that it can be edited so that it’s shorter and all content is suitable.
The content of our links will be informal and relaxed with subjects such as what listeners are having for breakfast.
The style of the show will be informal and chatty. As the show has three presenters it will be very conversational with hopefully some humour.
We decided to do a show in the style and for this audience, as we believe that, as we fit into the target audience ourselves, we can create an enjoyable show for this audience. If the presenters are enjoying themselves then the audience will realise this and hopefully enjoy the show too.
This show idea is possible as there is an existing audience and they are easy to reach as the show is going to be broadcasted around the college and the students fit into the age group. The show should be easy to make as we
We will not need a budget for this show, as all the equipment is available from college.
22nd October

No. Title Artist Duration Cart
1 Do Your Thing Basement Jaxx 04:10 4468
2 All Summer Long Kid Rock 04:55 4462
3 The Bird And The Worm Owl City 03:27 4461
4 Hey Soul Sister Train 03:38 3936
5 Sweet Escape Gwen Stafini 04:06 4469
6 Dancing With Myself Glee Soundtrack 03:10 4467
7 Just The Way You Are Bruno Mars 03:39 4459
8 Rollerblades Eliza Doolittle 03:03 4460
9 The Cave Mumford & Sons 03:37 4050
10 Barbara Streisand Duck Sauce 04:32
11 Kiss With A Fist Florence and The Machine 02:04 4472

Last Thing On My Mind Steps 03:03 4470
Doctor Jones Aqua 03:20 4471
I was out in charge of creating the playlist for this show. I decided because of the time of day outr show was aimed at the songs should be upbeat to kick start the listners morning and should be recent but not nessesarly in the UK top 40 chart. That way the songs that are played arnt going to be on every other breakfast show giving the listner a wider range to listen to.
The last two songs on the play list are for a feature about songs from your childhood. The idea behind it being to strike up conversations between presenters about what they got up to as kids.

IDENT/Tea and Toast on Stratcastoff/TIME
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 1/
Good Morning! You’re listening live to the biggest breakfast show around at the moment; yes you got it, its Tea and Toast. I’m Sam, and this is Adele and Amy. We’ve got lots lined up for your ears this morning including know your lyrics (PLAY TRACK) and getting up to mischief with some very funny prank calls which you wont want to miss!
Kicking off the show lets play a couple of songs to brighten your morning up.
/42 seconds
TRACK 1/ Do Your Thing-Basement Jaxx/4:10/ Intro- 15 seconds
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 2/
LINK/ You’re listening to us on www.ustream .TV/channel/stratcastoff. You should be seeing us on our webcam “wave everyone” (wave at camera) to contact the show search The tea and toast show on facebook and twitter or email us at /30 seconds
IDENT/ Stratcastoff/TIME
TRACK 2/All Summer Long-Kid Rock/4:55 Intro- 21 seconds
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 1/
LINK/Have you added us on facebook yet? Well if not get adding! Search The Tea and Toast show and you can see pictures of the cast of tea and toast and match our beautiful faces to our voices./17 seconds
IDENT/Tea and Toast/5 seconds
TRACK 3/The Bird And The Worm- Owl City/ 3:27 Intro- 0 seconds
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 2/
LINK/ Back to the show and we want to hear from you! What are you eating for breakfast? Send us an email with a photo with what you’re eating this morning and well post them on our face book page and discuss them on the show. Email us on . We look forward to hearing from you!/45 seconds
TRACK 4/Hey Soul Sister- Train/ 3:38 Intro- 4 seconds
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 1/
LINK/ We’ve got our lyric game called “Know your lyrics” coming up for you on today’s show after Gwen Stefani with The Sweet Escape/32 seconds
TRACK 5/The Sweet Escape- Gwen Stefani/ 4:06 Intro- 13 seconds
LINK/ Well yeah you’ve guessed it the time has come for KNOW YOUR LYRICS with Millie. / 17 seconds
IDENT/Know Your Lyrics/TIME
SOUNDBED/Tea And Toast 2/
LINK/Are you awake yet? Before we play a bit of glee just a quick reminder to get adding on face book guys and emailing us into the show with your breakfasts plus there’s still have our prank call (START TRACK) and more tunes yet so don’t go anywhere/32 seconds
TRACK 6/ Dancing With Myself- Glee Cast/3:10 Intro-10 seconds
IDENT/Tea and Toast on Stratcastoff/TIME
TRACK 7/ Just The Way You Are- Bruno Mars/3:39 Intro-17 seconds
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 2/
LINK/ (Audience interaction if any)
Of course this show is happening because of Children In Need. Here at college everyone’s making a big effort to get involved… talk about Stratcast and BBC/45 seconds
TRACK 8/Rollerblades- Eliza Doolittle/ 3:03 Intro-8 seconds
LINK/ Its now time for what you’ve been waiting for, yes it’s the almighty Prank call! Sam and Adele introduce/18 seconds
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 2/
LINK/ Well wasn’t that worth the wait. Brilliant! (Discuss the feature kind of interview with Sam and Adele)
So we are indeed coming to end of our breakfast show for today BOOOO! But….. We’ve still got a couple of songs coming up /49+ seconds
IDENT/Tea and Toast/5 seconds (over intro to track)
TRACK 9/The Cave- Mumford and Sons/ 3:37 Intro- 13 seconds
TRACK 10/Barbara Streisand- Duck Sauce/2:20 Intro- 6 seconds
SOUNDBED/Tea and Toast 2/
LINK/ (Back announce) We have come to the end of the show for today so its time to say goodbye! Bye Sam, Bye Adele, Bye Amy! Hope you’ve enjoyed listening and remember check us out on Facebook Tea and Toast or email us your requests on . /31 seconds
IDENT/Tea and Toast on Stratcastoff/TIME
TRACK 11/Kiss With A Fist- Florence and the Machine/2:04 Intro- 0 seconds
Introduce songs in intro’s unless there isn’t one. If not introduce it before hand or back announce it.
Timings of links are rough.
Script is only a guide BE FREE! But need to be aware of timings.


Prank Call - This feature involves Sam and adele calling up a person or company and they have to try and fit in 5 words. Due to its nature this feature will be pre-recorded so it can be edited if need be.

Know your lyrics - A simple game where the three presenters are asked to complete lyrics from well known songs. In order for their guess to count the presenters have to 'buzz in' using an animal noise. it will be live and presented by Millie as she will be a fresh voice and also allow all three presenters to play.
Separate Know Your Lyrics script found on Millies blog.



Each team member from the Tea and Toast Show were asked to gather research through the following questionaire:  (© Georgie Sullivan)

I dont have the results to publish how ever if you look at Georgies blog they are there