The Encore Show

Elaine Page on Sunday

The Elaine Page show on radio 2 is very similar to the musical show we are producing. The single female host with a vast knowledge in musical theatre keeps the audience engaged with her annecdotes about goings on in the theatre world.
Here is an example of her playlist:

As you can see this show has a wide range of musical numbers from modernday musicals to the less well known. it also has songs by Artists from the musical career who have released singles such as John Barrowman or Barbara Streisand.

This in comparison to our playlist for The Encore Show which feature music only from Musicals shows our show is more specialised to our target audience.

I feel this show is a lot more informal than The Encore show as she will talk about things other than musicals whereas the main focus on ours is purely musical knowledge



The logo was designed and made by Esme on Photoshop.



Live radio show to be broadcast for children in need.

1 hour

Intended audience
The primary audience for this show would be middle age women as this group of people enjoy watching and going to musicals, on our ‘test run’ we found that the ladies in the zone (ages 45+) really enjoyed the music and we got some very good feedback from them. However our secondary audience would be people of all ages as everyone enjoys musicals in some form of medium. We found that in our rehearsals we had lots of people singing along and dancing to the well known classics.

As the show’s content is very similar to that of Elaine Page’s BBC 2 show we have chosen to make the style very similar too. We are doing that by having mainly music, a female presenter and lots of facts about each different musical. We also have a interview with a ‘actress’ which is also featured on the BBC 2 show.

We believe our show is something different, a style that no one else had chosen to use for children in need. It will be a good ‘break’ from all of the current music and conversation. Musicals are for all ages and we play music that everyone appreciates.

We think this radio show is very feasible as there is such a wide audience for it, it is fun and exiting.

No budget necessary

The show goes live on the 17th November.



tracks 1, 2, 5 and 9 are subject to change to because we want some variation from the trial run and these songs are easily replaced by another song from the same musical.

Again i had some imput towards this playlist. However because of its specialist nature we have had to clear it with James Blackburn for use on the 17th November.



Good afternoon, my name is Esme, welcome to the encore show on in today’s show we are going to discus and sample some of your favourite musicals. We are going to start our show with a number from the incredible musical mamma mia. Here is the cast’s version of _______________.

You’re listening to the children in need edition of the encore show on That was from the musical, mamma mia. Musicals have always been popular with any age group and there are more musicals currently showing in the west end than we have time to talk about but there is one show that has astounded its audiences for the past 25 years and last month performed at the O2 arena in London with a incredible cast of over 300 actors and musicians, from les miserables this is Stars.

Welcome back to The Encore Show with me Esme Horne that was Stars from les mis and Electricity from Billy Eliot. The producers of Billy Elliot have recently announced that they are extending there Billy youth theatre scheme into 2011, this scheme gives children a chance to show off their acting skills in their own production of the show which could lead to performing on stage with the cast in London’s west end. Moving away form London, our next song if from the Sound Of Music. Currently touring the UK the sound of music stars the nations Maria, winner of the BBC’s how do you solve a problem like Maria – Connie Fisher.

That was ___________ from the sound of music. You can see the show on tour at the Bristol hippodrome until the 7th December where the tour will move to Oxfords new theatre. Now we are going to move on to a more upbeat musical – something everyone knows. Oliver, hear is ________

This is the Encore show on and that was defying gravity from Wicked. This year wicked celebrates its 5th year in the west end and currently stars Lee Mead, the winner or any dream will do 2007. This next song is from one of my favourite musicals – this is what a feeling from Flashdance.

Chicago was first seen in the west end in 1979 after spending 4 years on Broadway. Our net song is the opening to the show, performed by the character Velma and is possibly the most memorable song from the show. You’ve guessed it. This is the cast of Chicago with All That Jazz.

Welcome back to the encore show on unfortunately we are nearing the end of our show but I am sure we can squeeze a couple more songs in.___________ is from a music that started in 1971 and was later adapted into a film in 1978. Grease started off in Chicago as a non-musical performance called grease lightning. Theatre producer Ken Waissman saw the show and suggested to the writers that the show might work better as a musical so grease was born and stole the stage in Broadway in ’72 and then in the west end in ’73. So here is it. __________.

We have now come to our final number is a well known hit from a 1987 film which was adapted for the stage in 2004. Before we play our final song may I remind you to tune into tomorrow to see Stratford college does children in need live. And stay tuned today for ____________

 All the song titles are missing for the same reason as above



Musical News - a brief update of the ins and outs of the musical theatre world
Reviews - 2-3 reviews of west end shows to be played throughout the show.
A brief interview with... -  a short interview with a musical theatre student from Stratford College.



As part of the cross media content we created and uploaded 4 videos called Name That Musical? in each video a famous scene from a musical is acted out (badly) by the Encore Show team. For an example visit and search 'The Encore Show'

We did this to try and increase the audience partisipation outside of broadcast hours.

For the EDL visit Georgies blog.



All mebers of the Encore Team were given the following questionairre to get as many people to fill in as possible:

Musical Radio Show Questionnaire

1.Age ___
2.Gender (circle Appropriate)
3.Do you like Musicals? (circle Appropriate)
4.Name your top 3 musicals
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
5.Do you listen to any musical radio shows? (circle Appropriate)
6.At what time of day do you listen to the radio? (circle Appropriate)
9-11 / 11-1 / 1-4 / 4-8 / 8 –late
7.Which would you prefer to present the show? (circle Appropriate)
8.How would you listen to the radio? (circle Appropriate)
TV / Online / FM radio / DAB Radio / Other
9. Circle all of content that you would like to hear on a Musical Radio show.
Facts about Musicals / News / features / music / Chat / Other
10. Do you get involved in radio shows? (circle Appropriate)
Yes/ No/Sometimes

The Results were as follows
From this i can see we have a very wide sample of people asked about our show

The fact that the split is 50/50 is very helpful when it comes to processing our results

From this graph and the one below i can see that over half are employed or in education. This tells me they don’t have much spare time meaning the ideal slot for broadcasting this show at the moment would be a Saturday. This could change depending on results later in the questionnaire.

77.5% of people questioned Like musicals

These results show the most popular Musicals among those questioned. We asked this so we know which musicals to feature in our show.

As a vast majority of people only listen sometimes this tells us we need to advertise the show more.

This information tells me that most people listen to the radio in the morning and early afternoon. This combined with information received earlier show the best time for out Musical Radio show would be Saturday between 11 and 1.

A majority of people voted female. I believe this is because of the existing musical radio show by Elaine Paige and its just something they know. But it also suggests we do the same and have a female presenter.

Most of our potential listeners listen on FM radios. This shows me that somehow we have to get the people to listen online through advertising. At the moment all we have set up are social network sites, these need to be put to good use and bombard people with Reminders to listen online.

Most people want to hear music on the musical show (funny that) and so thats what they will get. With short links between features and shows.

Quite contradictive to the amount who likes musicals, not many watch them. For this reason I suggest reviews are placed in the show as a feature to get people back to the theatre.

Backing up the above statement, over half want to hear reviews

Most people have been involved with a radio show through text or phone ins this suggests that the show will get some participation whilst on air live.

Most listen in the car or at College. This suggests that a majority will have an internet connection in order to tune in and listen