Tuesday 9 November 2010

PSB and Commercial Radio

PSB (Public Service Broadcast) Radio is funded by the license fee there for doesnt have advertisements however it has got to adhere to certain guidelines such as restriction in content and not able to mention branded products. All of the BBC radio stations are PSB. In comparision Commercial radio is radio that is funded through anymeans nessecary. most notably would be advertisements.

Production Techniques - Microphones

Obviously microphones play a key part in radio production, without them how would we here the presenters!?
The Microphones in the colleges radio room are dynamic cardioid microphones. This means the Presenter has to speak in to the pick up point of the mic in order to get the best sound and volume quality. These microphones dont have a power sourse and simply plug into the XLR cable from the sysstem. in order to help the acoustics the radio room has been fitted out with soundproofing wall cover inorder to absorb soundwaves and reduce or remove reverb. This makes the presenter voice seem very flat.

For all other aspects of Production Techniques see other blogs ( URL's in final post)

Existing Audience Figures and Profiles

On RAJAR I decided to look at Radio 2, because their target audience is similar to the of The Encore Show, and Radio 1 because the Chris Moyles show is similar in content to the Tea and Toast show

from this you can see that radio 1 reaches 23% of its target audience with each listener tuning in for an average of 8.2 hours.

Radio 2 Reaches 27% of its target audience with each listener tuning in for 12 hours on average.

From these results I can see that the show types are very poular therefor our shows will appeal to our selected audience.

Radio 1 Profile

BBC Radio 1

The remit of Radio 1 is to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. It should reflect the lives and interests of 15–29 year olds but also embrace others who share similar tastes.

It should offer a range of new music, support emerging artists – especially those from the UK – and provide a platform for live music. News, documentaries and advice campaigns should cover areas of relevance to young adults.

Radio 2 Profile

BBC Radio 2

The remit of Radio 2 is to be a distinctive, mixed music and speech service, targeted at a broad audience, appealing to all age groups over 35.

It should offer entertaining popular music programmes and speech-based content including news, current affairs, documentaries, religion, arts, comedy, readings and social action output.



Audience Feedback

It is increadibly important to get feedback and opinions from your target audience when producing a radio show. If they dont like what their hearing then it is highly unlikly they will listen again. By listening to the intended audience the show can be tailored to their wants and needs. an example of how they do this is thouh online surveys. When a listen opens up the stations webpage a window will pop up asking if they would take three minutes to complete a customer satisfaction survey. by doing this they are finding out exactly who listen and visits their station website.

The Easiest way for us to gether feed back is through email. That way all the feed back is in one place and easy to sift through also it is possible for even the least compute savvy person to do it this way!