Tuesday 5 October 2010

Different Ways of Broadcasting - Online

The internet is becoming a very popular way for people to listen to and broadcast radio. They are given the choice to listen live with an internet radio box or in-site player or catch up on previous shows with BBC i-player or podcasts. This wide diverse range means that anyone with speakers and an internet connection or even just an MP3 player can listen to the radio.

The listen live function on the BBC Radio 1 website opens up a popup window called an internet radio box. This allows the listener to tune in to the live broadcast being aired at that very second. It also has interactive features, much like DAB, such as the song title and the shows description being shown on screen. This gives the audience that little bit more information than standard analogue radio. The popup box then goes one further than DAB and includes a webcam function. This allows listeners to not only listen to the radio but see it as well. This gives the broadcaster more range in what they can broadcast on their shows. Also as it is a popup box the listener can navigate away for the radio stations website and still be able to listen to the show.

The above is also used on store websites such as Topman http://www.topman.com

Online listeners are also given the chance to catch up on previous shows either in whole through i-player or through the ‘best bits’ pieced together to make a podcast downloadable through the stations website or through ITunes. This adds a further dimension to broadcasting online.

Online listners are sometimes restricted by the country they are listening in due to licensing and advertising restraints. For all other types of broadcasting see everyone elses blogs (links can be found in the final post)